Die wichtigsten Einführungen...
K. Christ: Antike Numismatik. Einführung und Bibliographie, Darmstadt 31991
M.H. Crawford: Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic. Italy and the Mediterranean Economy, London 1985
R. Göbl: Antike Numismatik; 2 Bde., München 1978
C.J. Howgego: Geld in der antiken Welt. Was Münzen über Geschichte verraten, Darmstadt 2000
J.R. Melville-Jones: A dictionary of ancient Roman coins, London 1990
M. Radnoti-Alföldi: Antike Numismatik, 2 Bde. (Teil I: Theorie und Praxis; Teil II: Bibliographie), Mainz 1978/²1982 (Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt; 2-3)

Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, ed. by H. Mattingly and R.A.G. Carson; 6 Vols., London 1923-1962
Coins of the Roman Republic in the British Museum, ed. by H.A. Grueber; 3 Vols., London 1910 (Reprint 1970)
The Roman Imperial Coinage, ed. by H. Mattingly, E.A. Sydenham et al.; 12 Vols., London 1923-1981 (²1984-1994)
Roman Imperial Coinage AD 268-276
Roman Provincial Coinage. Vol. I: From the death of Cesar to the death of Vitellius (44 BC – AD 69; 2 Vols. (Pt. I: Introduction and catalogue; Pt. II: Indexes and plates), ed. by A. Burnett, M. Amandry and P.P. Ripollès, London/Paris, 1992-
Roman Provincial Coinage Online & Darstellungen von Bauten
M.H. Crawford: Roman Republican Coinage; 2 Vols. (Vol. 1: Introduction and catalogue; Vol. 2: Studies, plates and indexes), London 1974
Coinage of the Roman Republic Online (CRRO)
Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, ed. by H. Mattingly and R.A.G. Carson; 6 Vols., London 1923-1962
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